When the duty to be the hostess for the family holidays first came down to me, I was excited. I had my mother's Noritake china and brushed gold flatware that I was thrilled to be able to trot out for occasions. I had a house I loved and had the space. Then the reality of it set in:
And yet I persist. As a matter of fact, I doubled down. Having always wanted Christmas dishes, I got a set of Lenox last fall at an estate sale. If drama will ensue, at least it'll be around a beautifully set table. But honestly, now that we're a smaller group it's not the drama that threatens to undo me; it's just the labor of it.1. It's a lot of work when you're working a lot.
2. I would try to please two former matriarchs by honoring their traditions and serving their recipes when I had two daughters in the throes of their eating disorders. No one was happy as a result.
3. Instead of sometimes causing some of the family drama (ask me about the Christmas we all got lice that the kids picked up from trying on bonnets at Pioneer Farms for just one example), I had to navigate around it.
4. The reality is, I've concluded, someone will be pissed off at something no matter what you do, but you work so hard to prevent it that it stings on a really deep level all the more because of it.
If I wasn't wrapping, I was baking. Because what's Christmas without home baked cookies?
Last week after I finished wrapping the last gift, and all the baking and prep work I could do was done, I came downstairs and plopped myself on the couch, Greg found Captain America on FX for me, and I just stared blankly at it until I finally got the energy to get up and go to bed. To truly appreciate how drained I was: not only do I own all the Avenger and Captain Americas on Blu-ray, I have Disney +, but there I sat watching it with commercials. Commercials. Who watches stuff with commercials anymore?!
But you get past the wrapping, then there's the actual day: a lot of chaos if kids are involved. And cooking and then hand washing all that fancy Lenox I wanted so badly. It's a long day.Now add in the caretaker part: Christmas takes a lot out of my MIL. The next day was a true challenge for her, which means it was for us as well.
And that's another point to the holidays: the rest of life keeps going. All this just gets layered on.
Yeah, I get why Jan threw in the towel at roughly my age. Even at its best it's a lot.
Am I ready to pass the torch myself? No, not really - despite all my belly aching about it. And I don't think my daughter, who works hard and has the other constant exhaustion issue women have - young motherhood - is ready to take it. But what I can tell you is: respect and go hug the matriarch in your family. If she's over the age of 60, flat out worship her because I can tell you that personally all I really want to do now is sleep for a month, and my back wants a divorce. And there's still taking down the decorations to look forward to. My guess is your mom or grandmother, or whoever filled that role in your life, felt that way too at least some of the time, and I bet you never knew. Because that's the other thing: we all want to make it seem like it was a breeze.
If you are that person, I got nothing but mad respect for you. Let's go for a massage.
Happy New Year!